28 October 2009

Crouching Tiger

A place of pure silence.
White as the heart of the sun.
Unending sadness.
Something I can not let go of.

Kung Fu

In the bamboo forest.
Where it is cold.
Steel meets steel.
Blood paints the dried leaves.


Mind pure as empty snow.
Flexible as a reed.
Serene as the ocean swallowing a pebble.
Beautiful as the firs in the mountains.


Sitting on the temple roof.
The tiles fall below me.
The master is shaking his stick.
Sleeves snapping like battle standards.
Say good afternoon to the sun.


Sun rising over snowy mountains.
The day pulls me to my feet.
Mind as empty as clear water.


This world is nothing.
And there is nothing beyond it.
So don't get your hopes up.
Forget all that rubbish about souls and sins.
Just breathe and eat.
Breathe and eat.

Space One

I am destruction.
Fire and ash.
The potential energy of the Universe.
Frittered away.
The black hole that swallows everything but fear.

12 October 2009


If he burns all your bridges.
Start collecting pitch and oak.
The river still needs to be crossed.

When your name disappears from his book.
Seek out the permanent marker.

You are the light in the darkness.
No one will hold your candle for you.
Even if they offer to.
Be ready to catch it when they drop it.
Have a match to relight it when they try to blow it out.
Creative Commons License
Alchemy Codex by A. Berkeley is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.