24 September 2009


You were beautiful and kind.
An understanding angel.
Hiding your wings.

Smiling as you stand among the mundanes.
With warmth, not contempt.
Your hands bring peace and calm.

Your step is light and graceful.
As soft as your touch on our hearts.
Your kind words in our ears.

The world seems a colder place without you.
But it would be frigid.
Had you never walked among us at all.

The Universe



I have built stars.
Set nebulae into motion.
Cleared lanes with supernovae.

These black holes are my creation.
Your earth a simple experiment.

And I am so lonely.


Resting in this warm womb of stars.
Less than an atom of a grain of sand.
A thousand, thousand, thousand, billion days in construction.
Less than a picosecond's building.

The master craftsman sits at his dilapidated board.
Surrounded by all the failure.
His smile lights galaxies.
His spark ignites life.


The gods walk along this ribbon bridge.
Speaking of the Universe in hushed tones.

They are flattered that we should believe.
Their mere powers created such majesty.

But the gods know that nothing can shape such beauty with intellect.
It is the power of chance and nature.

The gods are stargazers, too.


The true lesson of life
Is walk your own path
Hard and difficult though it may be
It will always feel more natural
And you will always know the way
While you are easily lost on the trails of others.

The stones are always sharper
And the fog is thick and dark
When you stray from your inner light.
Let this arrow point you home
Stay true to yourself.
Your path shall lead to places beyond imagining.
Creative Commons License
Alchemy Codex by A. Berkeley is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.